You employ quality staff..can you say the same for your GSE?
It is our responsibility as a company, to ensure all employees are supported throughout their career with Star Aviation. One way we empower our people is through investing heavily in providing staff with high quality and long lasting equipment.
Cabin Cleaning
Cabin Cleaning is one of our core services. We believe Cabin Cleaning plays an important role in passenger satisfaction, reflecting directly on the brand of an airline. Star recognises the comfort, security and satisfaction a clean and welcoming environment creates and how it enhances the passenger experience.
Our Cabin Cleaning teams nationally are equipped with Dyson products. Dyson Handstick Vacuum Cleaners enable our teams to efficiently clean aircrafts in hard to reach places through their cordless design. Dyson’s deep cleaning capabilities assist our employees to ensure they achieve their deadlines whilst maximising results for our Airline clients.
Our Cabin Cleaning team are also provided with a High Lift Truck to assist our team with wide bodied aircrafts, allowing them to service aircrafts in a timely manner.
Teams nationally also have access to a number of Star vehicles to assist with transferring the team between gates as well as for the transport of stock and equipment.
Passenger Reduced Mobility
Star Aviation have been offering Passenger Reduced Mobility (PRM) services at Sydney International Airport for over 9 months. During this time we have provided the team with a variety of GSE to ensure our employees are equipped to deliver excellent customer service and ensure passengers experience a pleasant journey around the airport.
The PRM team currently utilise a number of Star branded wheelchairs (including an extra large wheelchair). The Wheelchairs feature a carry on baggage storage area under the seat of the wheelchair; allowing passengers to sit comfortably in the chair without holding their luggage.
Star are excited to announce we have recently invested in an E-Caddy (an electric wheelchair). Star should receive our branded E-Caddy within the next upcoming weeks. Watch this space. E-Caddy’s are usefully to assist two departure passengers at once and/or a passenger of size.
Star have further invested in a PRM buggy. The buggy is used for our passengers arriving at Sydney International Airport and is useful to transfer multiple passengers at a time in an efficient manner.