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Job Application Form
Job Application Form
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Position applied for
Airport Applied For
Please Select
Sydney Airport
Melbourne Airport
Canberra Airport
Brisbane Airport
Moranbah Airport
Emerald Airport
Darwin Airport
Albury Airport
Perth Airport
Adelaide Airport
Cooma Airport
Were you referred by a current Star Aviation Employee?
Star Aviation Employees Name
Employee that referred you to work for Star Aviation
Personal details
Given name
Middle name
Home Address - (Unit/Street Number, Street Name, Suburb, State, Postcode)
Date of birth
Required for security background check. Male / Female / Prefer not to say
Country of Birth
Required for security background check
City of Birth
Required for security background check
Contact phone number
Email address
Have you worked for Star Aviation previously?
When, what role and location?
Do you have secondary employment to Star Aviation?
Please provide details of your second job
(For example, what days / hours do you work, what are the general tasks)
Please provide details of your eligibility to work in Australia
Are you an Australian citizen?
Are you of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander origin?
Please provide details of your eligibility to work in Australia
(For example, if you hold an appropriate working visa, please list the visa type and number)
Which of the following Identification Documents do you have? (Must have original physical documents)
Australian Birth Certificate
Citizenship Certificate
Visa Documentation
Drivers Licence
Proof of Current Residential Address via Utility Bill, Bank Statement, Rates Notice, Tenancy Agreement
Do you have a valid drivers licence?
Australian Car drivers licence
International Car drivers licence
Medium Rigid drivers licence
Heavy Rigid drivers licence
I do not have a valid drivers licence
Please tick the days you are available to work
Criminal history check
Do you have a criminal history, that may prohibit you from successfully getting an ASIC (Aviation Security Identification Card)?
If yes and was within the last 10 years, please provide the details of the offence you were charged with, when it occurred, and details of the outcome.
If yes and was within the last 10 years, please provide the details of the offence you were charged with, when it occurred and details of the outcome?
Medical information
Do you have any health problems or a medical condition that may affect your ability to meet the requirements of the position you have applied for?
Please provide the details
Would you agree to undergo a medical examination, including a drug and alcohol test to assess your ability to carry out your duties as specified in the job description?
Referee list
Employment Reference
Referee organisation and position
Referee phone number
Personal Declaration - To Be Signed By All Applicants
I hereby declare and warrant that all the answers in this personal statement are strictly correct and that I have not withheld any information material to this statement. I acknowledge and am aware that any false or misleading information supplied by me will either result in my application being declined and/or the subsequent termination of my employment if my application is successful. I also understand that the failure to declare any information that has been requested in the application may again result in it being rejected and/or the subsequent termination of my employment if my application is successful. I agree that Star Aviation shall not be liable in any respect if my employment is terminated because of the falsity of statements or omissions made by me on this application. I understand that information concerning my past employment history will be sought from previous employers, and I provide my consent for Star Aviation to do so. If I am successful in my application and become employed by Star Aviation, I undertake to work according to Star Aviation Service's policies and procedures. I agree and accept that Star Aviation is not obliged to offer me a position nor offer any explanation or reason if my application for employment is not successful. I further direct and authorise any doctor or medical professional that either assesses me in relation to this application and/or who I have previously generally consulted or will consult, to divulge to Star Aviation of my medical information and/or history that it requests.
I acknowledge and confirm I have read and understood the Personal Declaration.
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